11:00 - 18:00

The half-timbered buildings (In German Fachwerk) hold a special place in the rich archetype vocabulary of the artist Titus Schade.

According to the artist:

"The half-timbered houses, in particular, arise from a desire to create a new subdivision of a façade in itself, an interest in geometry, structure - perhaps even, ultimately, for abstract ornamentation. When you have that in an image, the construction suddenly acquires a certain presence, almost something sacred."

The workshop "Das Fach Werk" emphasizes the visual and structural language of these architectures through practice. The stakes are twofold: on the one hand, participants are led to questions of identity and architectural heritage and on the other hand, they are introduced to creating architectural models to explore the structural and graphic aspects of their own creations.

The models are crafted using manual tools and techniques and a modern material: polyurethane.

Facilitator: Eline Bleser (architect)

Languages: LU, DE, FR (translation into English possible)

Free of charge | Subject to availability | Booking required.

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